
The movement away from fossil fuels is already underway today
all over the world.
Fossil fuels must be phased out
…to Save Life on Earth
The scientific research of Project clearly details
The Impressive Rise of Climate Change Solutions. Small and large,
simple and complex; some inexpensive and others not… the ways
forward to reverse global warming will surprise you.
All of these actions must be seriously scaled up. Individuals, groups
of all types and sizes, and even entire nations can step into The Game
to make a significant impact.

We stand facing A Narrow Window of Opportunity


The movement away from fossil fuels is already
underway today all over the world.

Fossil fuels must be phased out
…to Save Life on Earth

The scientific research of Project
clearly details The Impressive Rise of Climate
Change Solutions
. Small and large, simple and
complex; some inexpensive and others not…
the ways forward to reverse global warming
will surprise you.
All of these actions must be seriously scaled up.
Individuals, groups of all types and sizes, and
even entire nations can step into The Game
to make a significant impact.

We all stand facing
A Narrow Window of Opportunity

We Are Not Powerless!

There is such a sense of dire inevitability and immobilizing anxiety over what the future holds for us and Our Planet. Yet we are not powerless! We have the ability today to reverse global warming.

Audacious? Yes, of course. We must be. It is time. We are ready.

Half-measures avail us nothing. We stand at the Turning Point.


The answers are already here; the tools within our grasp

They are currently in action today all over the world

For this reason, it is imperative to fundamentally change the way we think and talk about climate change…

Include this New Message; this realistic optimism based on Science

Change the message; the words we use

Because words have power

The power truly does rest with “We The People.” It is time for us to claim this. In peaceful ways. With unity, compassion and genuine equality of opportunities. To believe in ourselves. Within yourself individually; yet also as a society with our mix of cultures and our strength as a nation. So… Trust Your Judgement. Go inside and search your Inner Wisdom. See what it calls you to do. Then step forward to do it.

We Are Not Powerless!

There is such a sense of dire inevitability and immobilizing anxiety over what the future holds for us and Our Planet. Yet we are not powerless! We have the ability today to reverse global warming.

Audacious? Yes, of course. We must be. It is time. We are ready.

Half-measures avail us nothing.

We stand at the Turning Point.


The answers are already here;
the tools within our grasp

They are currently in action today
all over the world

For this reason, it is imperative to fundamentally change the way we think and talk abou the topic of climate change…

Include this New Message;
this realistic optimism based on Science

Change the message; the words we use

Because words have power

The power truly does rest with “We The People.” It is time for us to claim this. In peaceful ways. With unity, compassion and genuine equality of opportunities. To believe in ourselves. Within yourself individually; yet also as a society with our mix of cultures and our strength as a nation. So… Trust Your Judgement. Go inside and search your Inner Wisdom. See what it calls you to do. Then step forward to do it.

We Are The Ones

We’ve Been Waiting For

There seems to be little awareness of how much is currently being done on our behalf by scores of truly intelligent, highly educated and intensely dedicated people. Yet as smart and committed as the people in the climate change field are, one solid basic idea remains:

It is regular, ordinary people (like us) that are

The Key to the Recovery of Our Planet

This is where the power truly is

It is us!

We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For

And within all of us,  within me and within you, is

A Strength and a Courage and a Wisdom

or you wouldn’t even be reading this right now

Nobody is coming to save us!

Therefore… Who is Responsible for Climate Change?

“I AM!”

We Are The Ones

We’ve Been Waiting For

There seems to be little awareness of how much is currently being done on our behalf by scores of truly intelligent, highly educated and intensely dedicated people. Yet as smart and committed as the people in the climate field are, one solid basic idea remains:

It is regular, ordinary people (like us)
that are The Key
to the Recovery of Our Planet

This is where the power truly is

It is us!

We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For

And within all of us,  within me and within you, is

A Strength and a Courage and a Wisdom

or you wouldn’t even be reading this right now

Nobody is coming to save us!

Therefore… Who is Responsible
for Climate Change?

“I AM!”

Living a No-Regrets Life

Imagine looking back at the end of your life knowing that you have
done something significant about climate change…

How would that feel?

To live an Earth-Friendly Life knowing that you are now doing

what you can to deal with global warming?

The Solutions Will Surprise You


Some are pretty simple measures

(And you probably already use a few of them)

This is not just about Technology

As Mother Nature is our strongest ally

And there are comprehensive Social Solutions

To empower Women, Girls, Indigenous Peoples, etc.

Is it truly possible to live a long life with no regrets?

Perhaps not, as we are all imperfect people. Yet all efforts are important, and it is definitely possible to leave a lighter footprint.

It is not too late to begin

Living a No-Regrets Life

Imagine looking back at the end of your life knowing that you have done
something significant about climate change…

How would that feel?

To live an Earth-Friendly Life knowing that
you are now doing what you can
to deal with global warming?

The Solutions Will Surprise You


Some are pretty simple measures

(And you probably already use a few of them)

This is not just about Technology

As Mother Nature is our strongest ally

And there are comprehensive
Social Solutions

To empower Women, Girls, and
Indigenous Peoples, etc.

Is it truly possible to live a long life
with no regrets?

Perhaps not, as we are all imperfect people. Yet all efforts are important, and it is definitely possible to leave a lighter footprint.

It is not too late to begin

Strong and Powerful

Creative Messaging ~

This is not about conflict or fear. Nor to threaten or frighten. It is not about criticism or blame or guilt. It is a powerful optimism based on the scientific and economic analysis of Project Drawdown.

This is also not at all to deny or trivialize or minimize the enormity

of what we face today from climate change

Quite the opposite!

The Message is to Empower People

With the Knowledge of How We Can Succeed

It begins with how we Think. There is power in attitude.  Then it’s about
how we Talk. Words matter greatly… including what we say to ourselves. 
And finally, this is about Action ~ to look at the many ways to directly
address The Cooling of the Earth and see which ones you can realistically
implement. Small or large; every effort is valuable.

And above all, focus the message on the heart…

Breathing a quiet sigh of relief for the future of the children
and grandchildren
of the world

Strong and Powerful

Creative Messaging ~

This is not about conflict or fear. Nor to threaten or frighten. It is not about criticism or blame or guilt. It is a powerful optimism based on the scientific and economic analysis of Project Drawdown.

This is also not at all to deny or trivialize
or minimize the enormity

of what we face today from climate change

Quite the opposite!

The Message is to Empower People

With the Knowledge
of How We Can Succeed

It begins with how we Think. There is power in attitude.  Then it’s about how we Talk. Words matter greatly… including what we say to ourselves.  And finally, this is about Action ~ to look at the many ways to directly address The Cooling of the Earth and see which ones you can realistically implement.  Small or large; every effort is valuable.

And above all, focus the message on the heart…

Breathing a quiet sigh of relief
for the future of the children
and grandchildren

of the world

to the Young People

They courageously speak

Great Wisdom and Strength to us

They have a powerful voice

Follow their lead

It is time

for them to have a seat at the table

As Decision-Makers

They are The Bringers of the Light

As the wildfires burn and the glaciers melt,

We move forward to Face the Future Fearlessly

So that by the end of this century, the glaciers

will be increasing in size again

to the Young People

They courageously speak

Great Wisdom and Strength to us

They have a powerful voice

Follow their lead

It is time

for them to have a seat at the table

As Decision-Makers

They are The Bringers of the Light

As the wildfires burn and the glaciers melt,

We move forward
to Face the Future Fearlessly

So that by the end of this century,
the glaciers will be increasing
in size again

“Game On!”

The Savings GREATLY Outweigh the Costs

We COULD be on the verge of The Most Phenomenal Recovery in the History of Humankind. What will this Climate Recovery cost?

Project Drawdown estimates $28 trillion* (in a 2020 – 2050 timeframe)

Delaying action will significantly increase the costs

What are the net SAVINGS? Estimate $95 to $145 trillion* (by 2050)

The economic case becomes Even Far More Powerful to factor in
The Multiple Co-Benefits ~

Enormous health care savings. Reduced environmental toxins and air pollution. Avoided agricultural loss and extreme weather events.
This requires investment combinations of governmental public funds AND corporations, the private sector and philanthropy.

The Economy is at the Heart of The Climate Recovery
Enormous business opportunities await within climate solutions!
Yet the transition must be FAIR and just ~
For the WORKERS in sunsetting industries such as coal, oil and gas
All it takes is for us to really choose to do it!

* Pages 5 and 73 at

“Game On!”

The Savings GREATLY Outweigh Costs

We COULD be on the verge of The Most Phenomenal Recovery in the History of Humankind. What will this Climate Recovery cost?

Project Drawdown estimates $28 trillion*
(in a 2020 – 2050 timeframe)

Delaying action will significantly increase the costs

What are the net SAVINGS?
Estimate $95 to $145 trillion* (by 2050)

The economic case becomes
Even Far More Powerful
to factor in
The Multiple Co-Benefits ~

Enormous health care savings. Reduced environmental toxins and air pollution. Avoided agricultural loss and extreme weather events.
This requires investment combinations of governmental public funds AND corporations, the private sector and philanthropy.

The Economy is at
The Heart of The Climate Recovery

Enormous business opportunities await
within climate solutions!
Yet the transition must be FAIR and just ~
in sunsetting industries
such as coal, oil and gas
All it takes
is for us to really choose to do it!

* See pages 5 and 73 in The Drawdown Review at

How do we accomplish this?

We pick up the tools that lay at our feet

How do we accomplish this?

We pick up the tools
that lay at our feet

NOW is the time to take BIG Steps ~

NOW is the time to take
BIG Steps ~

#10 Install Solar Panels

Instead of using massive amounts of land for big solar panel arrays, can’t we just use our roofs instead? All buildings have one!

#26 Buy An Electric Car

Drive a 100% electric, zero-emission vehicle – plugged into household solar to charge so that your driving is truly “Powered by Sunlight

#42 Heat Pumps

Provides heating, cooling and hot water from one integrated unit; can dramatically reduce building energy use.

Solutions for everyone ~ not just for the few…

There are ways to bring these into widespread use for all of us

Solutions for everyone ~
not just for the few…

There are ways to bring these into widespread use
for all of us

LOOK at the value of Small Steps ~

LOOK at the value of
Small Steps ~

#4 A Plant-Rich Diet

Of the 100 climate actions Drawdown looked at, 16 are related to food. Note there are TWO food solutions in the Top 5 of their list.

#3 Reduce Food Waste

On an individual level, eat the food you buy. And take home that solitary banana and the lonely crooked carrot!

#60 Composting

Whether for food or flowers, properly worked compost averts methane and creates fertile topsoil.

#60 Composting

Whether for food or for flowers, properly worked compost will avert methane and creates excellent fertile topsoil.

A Plant-Rich Diet and Reduced Food Waste

Both are ranked higher in total effectiveness than solar panels, wind turbines and electric vehicles

A Plant-Rich Diet
and Reduced Food Waste

Both are ranked higher in total effectiveness
than solar panels, wind turbines
and electric vehicles

MORE Highly Beneficial Small Steps ~

#33 and #44 LED Lighting

LED lights use 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs for the same amount of light; half as much as compact fluorescents.

#33 and #44 LED Lighting

LED lights use 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs for the same amount of light; half as much as compact fluorescents household/industrial.

#55 & #56 Recycling

Household/Industrial; Producing new products from recycled materials saves energy, reduces extraction, creates jobs.

#46 Smart Water Use

All water-saving measures reduce energy use; like for appliances, plumbing and drip irrigation in outdoor landscaping.

#46 Smart Water Use

All water-saving measures reduce energy use; like for appliances, low-flow plumbing and drip irrigation in outdoor landscaping.

Calculating projected costs and savings

Drawdown ranks solutions on the potential reduction of global greenhouse gases by 2050

Calculating projected costs
and savings

Drawdown ranks solutions on the potential
reduction of global greenhouse
gases by 2050

The Money Side of the Story

The Money Side
of the Story

The New Jobs Market

Retrofit older structures with window replacements, updated heating and cooling systems, improved insulation, LED lighting. Rainwater harvesting in dry regions. Etc.

Transition to New Economy

The transition must be just. We cannot sustain a world where benefits go only to a top few. HOW initiatives are implemented really matters! Who decides? Who benefits?

How to Pay For All This?

Economic analysis clearly shows us that the savings greatly outweigh the costs. Consider the budgets of our military and Homeland Security, as this is a national security issue.

Move beyond government and industry

to pull everyday citizens into the world of climate change solutions

Move beyond government
and industry

to pull everyday citizens into the world
of climate change solutions

Moving Forward ~

We Create Our Own Future

We have the ability to create societies, economies and governments that benefit all people and protect The Earth. What do we choose? As an individual? As a nation?

The Tools in the Toolkit

For the best analysis of climate solutions, check Project Drawdown or their book “Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming”

The Tools in the Toolkit

For the best analysis, check or their book “Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming”

Alliances to Scale it Up!

As simple as working a small veggie garden with others to building entire communities with all the best quality climate change solutions already built-in. Move-in ready!

Take solutions that already exist

and quickly turn them into reality on the very large scale that is necessary

Take solutions that already exist

and quickly turn them into reality
on the very large scale that is necessary

Climate change presents us with tremendous opportunities
brilliantly disguised as an unsolvable predicament
Climate change presents us with
tremendous opportunities
brilliantly disguised
as an unsolvable predicament